Who are Flashpacker Family?

Wife, mother and writer, Bethaney does it all! Born in New Zealand, Bethaney has been travelling since her early 20s. She loves exotic and adventurous destinations as well as busy and bustling super cities. Bethaney has been to 33 countries and has a goal of visiting 100 countries before the age of 40.
Born in England, Lee travelled a lot as a child, moving to New Zealand as a teen. Lee is a digital nomad and is passionate about online business having worked for himself his whole life. He codes, designs and runs an e-commerce business. As an avid snowboarder, he particularly loves cold climates and mountain ranges. He is also brown belt in Kung Fu.
Five-year old Reuben is an intense and active child who loves to run, dance and explore. Reuben has travelled to 20 countries and can tell you something about each of them. He’s a tech whiz and loves Photoshop and exploring on Google Earth. Reuben loves to fly, especially in business class. (He got that from his father!)
16 month old Hazel was born to be a nomad and has been travelling the world since 4.5 months. She’s been on helicopter rides, cruise ships, climbed a volcano and been to 15 countries. She is happy anywhere in the world so long as she’s with her family. She’s a water baby and loves the ocean, so much so she’s been known to fall asleep mid-swim.
What is a Flashpacker?
Flashpacking is a style of travel. Think of it as the evolution of a backpacker. More money, more comfort but same adventurous spirit.
If you want to find out what being a “flashpacker” is all about, check out my definition of a flashpacker.
Our Journey So Far…
We’re on an open-ended trip around the world. Planning too far in advance doesn’t work for us. We are last minute, “fly by the seat of our pants” types. We usually have a general direction to head in but try and remain flexible to snap up any awesome opportunities that present themselves.
We left our home in New Zealand in August 2014 to travel the world. We bought a car in Seattle and have driven it across much of the US and Canada. We’ve taken a Caribbean cruise and dipped down to Mexico for a month. We spent 5 weeks in Europe this spring before resuming our road trip around North America.
You can follow our trip and find out where we’re headed next on this page.
How Do We Travel So Much?
How do we afford to travel the world full-time? How do we manage it with kids? How do we pack? How do we plan? What do we spend our money on?
Long-term travel is a lifestyle choice for us. If you want to know more about how we manage to travel long term with our kids, then read this post.