All Roads Lead to Bangkok

We were plagued with indecision today. It’s one of our worst qualities as a couple, as well as indviduals. Not so much with the big decisions like should we sell our house and live a [...]

Kanchanaburi Saved Our Sanity

After a relatively miserable first five days in Bangkok we were ready to get the heck out of dodge. As per our original plan, we decided to head west to Kanchanaburi. A perfect, peaceful antidote [...]

Five Days in Bangkok

My first blog post from the road! We’ve been in Bangkok for five days now and it doesn’t feel like we’ve gotten up to much. Day One We arrived at our guesthouse, New Siam II, [...]

Planning for Thailand

In less than six weeks we are heading for our first family trip to Thailand (and Asia for that matter). I’ve been to Thailand loads of times, more times than I can count without checking [...]