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As part of my 30th birthday celebrations last month, I proclaimed that my goal was to see 100 countries before 40. Given that I’ve been travelling seriously for almost ten years, I’ve already got a bit of a jump on my goal.

Aside from four family trips to Australia as a child and teen, my real travels began with an ill-fated trip to Vietnam with a friend to celebrate our 21st birthdays. Since then I’ve taken six trips through South East Asia, two trips to the USA, one trip to Egypt,had a stopover in Abu Dhabi, a honeymoon in Japan and spent almost two and a half years living in London exploring Europe. I’ve barely scratched the surface of my travel tales since starting Flashpacker Family in March 2012 but wanted to share a glimpse of my travel past. What better way than through photos!


So, do you want to see where I’ve been?


Interesting facts:

  1. It’s quite hard to find pictures of yourself in every country you’ve been to if you’ve travelled for a while, often alone and before the invention of Facebook or other sites you might’ve loaded pictures onto.
  2. I couldn’t find any shots of me in Laos or Croatia so I snapped a picture of their stamps in my passport.
  3. This post looks deceptively simple. It actually took me days of work to find, edit and collage all the pictures.
  4. I was six months pregnant when I went to Japan. Can you tell???
  5. I look infinitely better as a blonde!
How many countries have you been to? Do you think you could find a picture of yourself in each one? I’d love to see it!



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  • Kate - Canuckiwikate

    Awesome photos!

    At least you’ve still got your passport to snap those photos of, mine was ‘retained’ by the Canadian High Commission as punishment for its unfortunate trip through the washing machine almost a year ago. I thought it was sweet, just a bit crumpled, but turns out they were not so impressed. Lesson learned, be UBER careful with passport, even when at home!

  • Kirsty

    I don’t think I could come up with pictures of each place – I travelled a lot as a kid amd I guess my Mum has the pics somewhere… Happy to hear you’ve been to Abu Dhabi though 😉 not that I’m biassed!!

  • rtw traveler

    I had forgotten to count Vatican City on my list of countries – Thanks for the reminder.! It’s a great post. I would love to see other people’s version of this. You look so happy in Germany lol.

  • Eryn

    You haven’t been to Canada? You must, it’s wonderful!

    • Bethaney

      Canada is definitely close to the top of my list!

  • TammyOnTheMove

    I have been to 24 countries and I think apart from the Vatican I have one of each country. Amazing how much your looks change in every country by the way. Is that intentional? 🙂

    • Bethaney

      I’d love to see your version of the same post Tammy!

      I’ve always been one for changing my hairstyle dramatically. These photos are from 2006 onwards so I guess there is a big difference between a single 23 year old girl to a married 30 year old mother!!!!

  • Julika

    A great idea for a post! Love how your hairstyle is different in every picture 🙂
    I’m at 20 countries right now, and I might be able to find a picture of me in all of those, I’m just not sure if I would like them all (a few bad fashion and make-up choices in there maybe) 🙂

    • Bethaney

      Thanks Julika. I’d love to see your version of this post. I cringed at having to put the photo up of me in Bosnia because I think I look awful but it’s the only one I had. What was I thinking with that bright red curly hair!!?!

  • Lana

    OMG we’ve seen almost the same countries, you’ve just see about 3 more than me, about it.

  • Sam

    This is a lovely idea! I wish I’d done that myself now.

  • Tash

    Oh, love it! Such a cool post idea!
    I wonder how many countries I have a photo of me in…solo travel and the hit and miss experiences of selfies would make it tricky. I think my travels before that might actually be better, with obligatory photos of me in front of touristy things….
    Will have to have a go at it! 52 countries, I am up to…will take some time!

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