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Surprise! We’re heading to…. 

Sydney, Australia!


Using my super travel ninja skills, I found cheap flights from Christchurch to Sydney on Emirates that I just couldn’t resist. Sydney wasn’t exactly on the cards for us this year but nevertheless that’s where we’re headed. We’re leaving New Zealand to housesit for Lee’s parents in Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. We’ve been a few times before and Mooloolaba is a lovely beach town to spend a few months.


Doing the Travel Math

When we’ve travelled to the Sunshine Coast before, we’ve always flown into Brisbane as it’s the closet airport with flights from Christchurch. This time around, flights from Christchurch to Brisbane were going to cost us NZ$270 plus and additional A$53 for the one and a half hour shuttle journey to the Sunshine Coast.

I found a cheap flight on Emirates from Christchurch to Sydney for only NZ$174. We could have flown Jetstar at a cheaper base fare but by the time you add in baggage fees it worked out the same price to take Emirates… plus we’ll get drinks, meals and movies. Score. From Sydney, we can fly direct into Sunshine Coast airport for only A$55 on Jetstar bypassing the need for the shuttle.

All up, we’re saving close to NZ$300 by flying via Sydney and it’s a nice bonus to visit Australia’s biggest city on the way up to a small town.


What’s the plan for Australia?

Actually, there isn’t much of a plan. I’m working on being less neurotic when it comes to travel planning. (Previous trips have involved many a colour-coded spreadsheet planned down to the day.) Now that travel equals a lifestyle I’m attempting to be more flexible, open and opportunistic. I want to be able to take advantage of cheap flights, amazing opportunities and invitations from friends.

What we do know is that we’ll go to Sydney for a week or two before heading up to the Sunshine Coast. Heck, we’re not even sure if we will fly to the Sunshine Coast… there are other options in the works.

We’re going to base ourselves in Mooloolaba for a few months and take advantage of a ridiculously awesome house sit (complete with canal views and kayaks). We’ll take trips around Australia as and when they present themselves. We’ll go to the Gold Coast in September for the Problogger conference. Hopefully, we’ll make it to Melbourne to visit Lee’s brother and some good friends.

When will we leave? Who knows. We have to be out of Australia within six months (or else we’d have to pay tax there as well as in New Zealand) but beyond those six months we only have a rough plan.


What do you think of our plans? I’d love to hear any tips, must see places or must do activities you have for Australia. 



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  • Craig Makepeace

    Awesome you have a house sit in Mooloolaba. We actually lived there ourselves for 18 months in 2006-07. Great beach town! And enjoy Sydney 🙂

    • Bethaney Davies

      We love Mooloolaba. We’ve been there a couple of times. I love the promenade in the early morning. Nothing better than getting out in the sun first thing with the stroller. Hopefully we’ll catch up with your guys in Sydney or up on the Gold Coast at Problogger. 🙂

  • Kate - CanuckiwiKate

    What an exciting step in your nomadic life! I’m so proud of you for ditching the colourcoded spreadsheets hehehe… we may not be overly efficient, but we’ve definitely got open and opportunistic going on our trip so far – and I’m loving it! Can’t wait to follow along to where this takes you!

    • Bethaney Davies

      Thanks Kate! It’s so tempting to “spreadsheet up” but so far I’m resisting the urge. 🙂

  • Kiera @easytravelmom

    I love Sydney and really must get back there as I lost all my pictures from my trip, except from the water camera that I had when I went snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef – but none of Sydney! Still have to make it to NZ too so I think we’ll have to figure out our own house sit on that part of the world and take a lot of time off!

    • Bethaney Davies

      Housesitting is definitely the way to go in Australia and New Zealand because accommodation is otherwise so expensive.

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