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Photobombed by a naked man

I love taking selfies just as much as the next person. It’s about the only time I every get to be in any of our travel photos as I’m the chief photographer in our family. (That’s a nice way of saying Lee can never take a photo that is straight and in focus.)

Our recent Southern Caribbean cruise took us to the beautiful island of St Maarten. Over on the French side of the island, we stopped at Orient Bay for a quick walk along the beach. At one end of the bay is a nudist colony. Many of the tourists visiting the bay were standing around staring at the nuddies, mouths gasp.

Further down the beach, I was happily snapping away, with Hazel in my arms, getting some good selfies of me and my baby girl when I heard some older Puerto Rican ladies shrieking. I went over to see what the fuss was all about and one of them told me that one of the “colonists” had gotten upset with their staring and given them a full-frontal show as he walked by. They were in hysterics.

Going back over my photos the next day and what did I see???

2014-12-05 12.59.55-1 2014-12-05 12.59.54

2014-12-05 12.59.58-1

The old man with wang out, full swing, shaking it for the ladies!!


2014-12-05 13.00.02

2014-12-05 13.00.03



Definitely the strangest thing that has happened on my travels in 2014!

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