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What does adventure travel mean to you?

Adventure travel sure is different when you have a toddler in tow. It’s about seeking out challenging destinations that are still interesting but safe. Getting off the grid a little. Finding adventure through food. Having fun wherever it can be found. And, for travel with a boy, finding as many different adventurous modes of transport as possible! We’ve travelled in pick up trucks, walked on lonely beaches, eaten street food, explored cities and countryside… all with a toddler. If that’s not adventurous I don’t know what is!

To put it into a visual perspective for our little travelling family, adventure travel looks a little something like this:


Adventure Toddler Travel Collage




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  • TammyOnTheMove

    Awww, the photos of Reuben are soo cute. I bet he will be a right adventurer when he grows up! 🙂

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