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When it comes to putting together a bucket list for our family travels, it’s a no-brainer that Norway ranks near the top. While it’s a country I haven’t been to myself, Lee (who grew up in the UK) spent a lot of time in Norway as a child visiting Norwegian family friends. He raves about Norway’s liveability, landscapes and above all the fond memories he has of childhood visits to Norway.

With our European plans shaping up for 2017, we have it in our minds that Norway will be apart of them. Particularly as we plan to visit in summer when Norway is at it’s most accessible.


Here are a few reasons why I think that Norway sounds amazing for family travellers:



Oslo with Kids Image credit: Where'

Oslo with Kids Image credit: Where’

Oslo with Kids

There are a lot of great things to do in Oslo with kids. This modern Scandinavian city has lots of museums that boat-loving kids will enjoy like the Viking Ship Museum, Fram Museum and the Kon Tiki Museum. Oslo is a family-focused city that is easy to get around on public transport


Northern Lights

Did you know you could see that northern lights in Norway? Aurora activity peaks in Norway from late August to early/mid April, so long as the sky is dark enough you’ll probably see it. Heading North is your best bet to see the Aurora Borealis in Norway. Hop a flight up to Tromsø, in Norway’s Arctic Circle to explore the region and see the famous night sky.


photo credit: Viv Lynch Leaving Geirangerfjord via photopin (license)

photo credit: Viv Lynch Leaving Geirangerfjord via photopin (license)

Norwegian Fjord Cruise

Cruising is one the THE best ways to travel with kids without too much fuss. Cruising around the Norwegian Fjords with kids sounds absolutely perfect. I can see us getting a window cabin and watching the scenery go by. Jumping off to explore, take easy nature hike or just wander the little colourful villages. You can either travel on one of the big global cruise lines that run trips here every summer season. Alternatively, take the Hurtigruten line which is what locals use to get from point to point but also offer great cruises for tourists.


Norway’s Epic Roads

With a husband that loves to drive, you can expect that we often look for interesting roads on our travels. Norway has some of the most epic roads in the world, including the amazing Atlantic Highway with it’s crazy bridge. Just take a look and see for yourself! Tell me if you’d be brave enough to drive it.

The Famous Flam Railway

This can be done as an excursion from a Norwegian Fjords cruise but it looks well worth it in it’s own right. The Flam Railway that runs between Flam and Myrdal is one of the steepest friction railroads in the world. Beautiful scenery, waterfalls, tunnels. A must for families with train enthusiasts! It only takes an hour so is great for even little kids.


Have you been to Norway with kids?

If you have, I’d love to hear your ideas on the best itinerary, how much time we should spend and what other things you think we should do when we visit Norway.

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  • Klara

    Stumbled on via Pinterest, I love love Norway and have family and friends who I have visited since I too was tiny. For my Norwegian mums 70th we took the hurtigruten with our 20 month old along with 4 and 7 year old nephews. It is a bucket list trip but very pricey. Although locals do get on and off, including a kindigarden day trip one of the mornings, it is mostly retired Germans and French couples who were a bit (a lot) annoyed by our very rowdy gang. The staff were amazing and we even ended up on the bridge as the 7 year old made friends with all the crew, there were whales swimming by the boat and fresh caught salmon sashimi on deck, sea eagles and view after view to die for, but it was hard mum and dad work, including a travel cot squeezed sideways in a tiny cabin and a bit of a struggle to get an early sitting for dinner, no kids menu if that’s important to you, and I can definitely say overall small Kid friendly it is not, however totally worth the effort if you want an epic trip of a lifetime and you can weather the death stares.

    If it is your only trip to Norway, get a house on an island in the first week of July, fish swim, paddle, eat sausages, pick wild flowers and skip the cruise. If your husband visited Norway as a kid, I would bet it’s that feeling he wants to capture again.

    • Bethaney Davies

      Wow. That sounds absolutely lovely… apart from the death stares! Lol. I am laughing out loud at that.

    • Tracy

      can you recommend an area for an island, have been to norway and absolutely loved it. Love your suggestion just not sure of what area to look in.

      • Bethaney Davies

        Yes, I’d love to know too. 🙂 Any specific websites to look at or just look on Airbnb?

  • Hus

    Norway sounds perfect for a family trip, will have to add that to our round the world adventure. I love the idea of seeing the Fjords, are they day trips on the boat or do you stay overnight? Also, when do you think is the best time to go?

  • Wai

    I would love to take a cruise through Scandinavia and see the Northern Lights, but I think it may be too cold for mine!

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