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The Hawaiian Islands are extraordinary. Each one is unique. Kauai is known as “The Garden Island” and immediately on arriving you can see why. A huge expanse of green stretches across the island, jutting up abruptly to form enormous, wonderfully shaped mountains.

Only 10% of Kauai is accessible by road making a Kauai helicopter tours of the island the absolute best way to see everything Kauai has to offer. And, there’s a lot on offer. Waterfalls, canyons, perfectly-shaped bays, sandy beaches and mountainous craters. The stunning Napali Coast is the jewel in Kauai’s crown – huge emerald mountains that drop straight down into turquoise waters.

There’s a lot to do in Kauai but most of the activities are geared towards older children (8+). I was surprised to learn that helicopter tours Kauai accept young children and babies as passengers. I knew we just HAD to do this!


Kauai Helicopter Tours: Amazing Photos of Na Pali Coast + Take the Kids!


Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids, Hawaii

Kauai Island Helicopter Tour with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 2

Our 50 minute helicopter ride was booked through Island Helicopters, one of the best helicopter tours Kauai.

After a quick safety briefing we were loaded into the helicopter and up we went to enjoy our helicopter tour of Kauai. Music piped through our headsets helped build excitement and atmosphere. That first few minutes of my very first helicopter ride were terribly exciting.

For the next hour, I couldn’t wipe the grin from my face as I sat up front next to the pilot snapping pictures of everything I saw. Hazel (aged 5 months) quickly fell asleep thanks to the noise and motion of the craft (and a paid of pink baby earmuffs). Reuben (aged 4 years), who is notoriously difficult to please, was very excited and happily stared out the window for the entire journey, falling asleep only for the last 5 minutes.

If you only do one thing in Kauai, make it this!

You will not regret spending the money for this once in a lifetime experience. Our Kauai helicopter tour is, hand sdown, the best thing I’ve ever done on my travels. Not convinced? Check out the pictures below to see just how truly stunning the island of Kauai is!

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 15

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 14

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 13

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 12

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 11

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 9

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 8

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 7

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 6

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 5

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 4

Kauai Helicopter Tours with Kids and Babies, Hawaii 3

Visiting Hawaii soon?

Check out all my posts covering our time in Hawaii here.


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  • Mica

    Looks FAB!!! I’m going to slowly make my way through the islands in the next year, the ones I’m missing are Lanai, Kauai & Molokai !!! Your photos are gorgeous!

    • Bethaney Davies

      Kauai was incredible. It felt so wild compared to Oahu and Maui. There were a tonne of other adventurous activities I’d like to try with older kids like tubing, zipling etc. I will be back!

  • Izy Berry - The Wrong Way Home

    It doesn’t even look real! WOW!

  • Living Valencia

    Amazing experience for a kid.

  • Michael

    We were in Kauai earlier this year. We never did the helicopter ride, but having seen the landscape I can imagine how incredible the scenery would have been from up there.

  • Gran Canaria Local

    We’d love to do this tour. Although we might try one rather closer to home first. There are some helicopter tours that we haven’t managed to fit into our schedule on our island, as of yet.

  • Jennifer

    I LOVE THIS!! A few months ago I Went on my first copter ride, in Maui, and couldn’t believe how much fun it was (why did it take me so long??) and also gorgeous. I’m going to “pn” this on my Hawaii Pinterest board.

  • Meg @ Mapping Megan

    So cool – I’ve only been to Maui on Hawaii but have been dying to get to Kauai – it looks beautiful!! Will have to take a scenic flight!

  • Valen-Travel Scamming

    I used to live in Hawaii, and I agree, this is a do not miss activity!!

  • Erin

    Oh I want to do this. You have me convinced- I can’t wait to go to Hawaii!

  • Jen

    Oh wow these photos are awesome! What a great experience. To be honest I hadn’t thought about taking our boys in a helicopter but you have changed my mind! Can’t wait!

  • Exploramum

    Wow what a great family experience. I so love Hawaii !!!!

  • Micki

    Oh wow – those photos are spectacular! This is so on my to do list for Kauai!

  • Sharon

    Oh wow, that just looks amazing. I keep expecting to see dinosaurs wandering around as I can’t help but think of Jurassic Park. I went to Hawaii – as a 9 month old. Hazel and I are totally ripped off to not remember this place!

  • Dan @ A Cruising Couple

    This looks incredible! I’ve always wanted to take a helicopter ride, but haven’t found the right opportunity yet. The landscape looks unreal! This has my name written all over it 🙂

  • Terry at Overnight New York

    Gorgeous pictures. What a spectacular way to see Kauai! (And I had no idea Jurassic Park was filmed there.)

  • Lillie - @WorldLillie

    This looks totally awesome. I’m excited for my little baby to get old enough to beg me to do things like this, at which point we can use him as an excuse for going. 🙂

  • Mary @ Green Global Travel

    It seems like a cruel joke that we haven’t been able to visit one of the greenest islands in Hawaii. Your photos make us want to go even more. Thanks for sharing your helicopter photos of Kauai!

  • noel

    It’s been too long since I’ve visited the island, I would love to do this again some day, looks amazing!

  • Andrew Darwitan

    Looks like plenty of great fun your family have in Kauai Island. =)

  • David

    Way cool, we did this in Maui and Loved it! It was a doors off helicopter ride that went around the whole island. Just Four people and for two hours. Some great views! Loved it!

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