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One of Reuben’s all time favourite books is “Beautiful Butterfly”. It’s simple, cute and colourful.

Who is going up and down in the tree?

Dragonfly flutters by. Follow me.

Watch the beetles go round and round.

Birds pop up, high above ground.

With his fondness for this little story, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend an hour enjoying Penang’s Butterfly Garden.

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  • Lisa Goodmurphy

    We love butterfly gardens too! Your photos of the colourful butterflies are beautiful but my favourite shot is the one of the caterpillars!

    • Bethaney

      Thanks Lisa. I think it’s my favourite now too!

  • Tracy

    Lovely photos. I’m with Lisa – my favourite is the caterpillar photo too! Did you enjoy the Butterfly Farm? I think it’s probably the best butterfly farm we’ve come across. Glad you made it there.

    • Bethaney

      We liked it but Reuben wasn’t really into it. He LOVED the Youth Park though. Thanks so much for the recommendation. I’m not sure why the swings are so low to the ground though!!

  • Reply

    I agree with the other ladies, my favorite is the catepillar photo! Butterfly Gardens are so lovely, I was able to go to one in Costa Rica.

    • Bethaney

      I was surprised at how few caterpillars there were at the garden. Would have loved to see more. They were so cute and furry!

  • Reply

    Really nice photos. I have to admit I am not a huge fan of insects. Butterflies are nice looking from afar but I’m not sure I would want one on my hand – but that’s just me.

    • Bethaney

      I’m OK with insects but I really draw the line at birds. There are bird parks in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore – we’ll be skipping those!

  • Micki@TheBarefootNomad

    Butterfly gardens are one of our favorites, too. The kids are always fascinated by the butterflies, and it’s a nice chance to walk around as a family.
    Love your photos!

    • Bethaney

      Thanks Micki. I’ve been trying to improve my photography skills and the butterflies made for the perfect subject.

  • Reply

    My daughter is fascinated by the Butterfly Garden. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Penang. We’ve been living there for about of year and have fallen completely in love with the island.

    • Bethaney

      Penang was great. Such an interesting spot. I know a lot of families choose to live there and I can see why!

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