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Bangkok is one big crazy city. If you’re not careful, it’ll kick your butt. Know what you’re getting yourself into and you can have a grand time in this sticky, heaving South East Asian metropolis. Some people love it, some people loathe it. If you give it a chance, Bangkok will steal your heart.

Bangkok from Above


There are plenty of things to see and do in Bangkok – Wat Po’s Reclining Buddha, get lost in Chatuchak market, sink a few cockails in a Bangkok sky bar. My three favourite things about Bangkok are more concepts than a list of sights to see. You can happily visit Bangkok without doing any sightseeing and still get a full on cultural experience.



Bangkok Street Roti

Pad Thai

Eating Out at a Bangkok Street Restaurant

Eating Take-Away Food in a Bangkok Hotel Room


It goes without saying that the food in Thailand is fit for a King. Bangkok offers almost every possible Thai delicacy up on a plate, skewer or even, odd as it may seem, a plastic bag. Street food is safe, cheap and in abundance. You’ll rarely go wrong with anything you find to eat on a Bangkok street. (OK, expect maybe the deep-fried bugs!)



Reggae Bar Just Off Khao San Road, Bangkok

Unlike the regional parts of Thailand where you have to keep yourself somewhat in check, feel free to be yourself in Bangkok. Anything goes in this city. Don’t hurt anyone or piss anyone off and nobody will mind a bit about what you choose to get up to. On Khao San Road, you’ll find many a baby-backpacker getting their first taste of parental freedom and literally going wild. I love that children are welcome virtually anywhere at anytime. It’s part of the culture that children are revered and not looked down upon.



Chinatown, Bangkok

MBK – The Biggest, Busiest Mall in Bangkok

Busy Bangkok Street


Bangkok doesn’t really sleep. Just as the bar scene is packing up for the night, vendors begin preparing their food carts on the street well before sunrise. You can shop at dawn in the markets or until 10pm in the malls. The frenzy of Bangkok can be draining after a few days so pace yourself. Don’t eat, drink or buy too much in your first few days. It’s easy to get swept up into the craziness of Bangkok. Get the lay of the land. Orientate yourself. Work out how much things should cost. Learn to spot a tout trying to hustle you out of your money.


What do you think of Bangkok? Love it or hate it? Let me know.


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Showing 9 comments
  • Arianwen

    I totally agree! I loved Bangkok and made an effort to walk everywhere so I could take it all in. Such a vibrant city – and the food is amazing.

  • Joe

    Hollaa! City of Squallaa!

    Hollywood should make at least an effort to give justice to foreign places. The hangover 2 movie made everything seem surreal.

  • Beth

    Did you guys visit the Water Market? It’s quite a sight I believe. If you loved Bangkok, try going to Manila 🙂

  • Karen

    Bangkok is indeed a great city. From the sites to the food, visitors must explore and do things one step at a time.

  • Michelle

    Pink cabs! So Chic!

  • Kathleen Couch

    I am not sure that busy, and nightlife are my style. But the food looks good. I’m sure I could find the slower pace in Bangkok, fitting for a Globe Trottin Granny. Thanks for the post!

    • Bethaney

      Well, we travelled with our baby so you can definitely enjoy Bangkok if you’re not into partying. I don’t know that there’s anything slow-paced about it though!

  • Andrea

    Wow – these photos are great – especially love that aerial one. Haven’t been to Bangkok in over a decade but would love to go back.

    • Bethaney

      Thanks Andrea. That picture was taken flying into Bangkok from Yangon. In all my other flights into the city, we’ve approached from the South or the East but this one approached from the West which provided an excellent opportunity to nab a photo of the city. I’m such a Bangkok-o-phile that I could spot where I was staying from the air!!!

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