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2015 was a busy year for us! I’ve already written about the craziest things we did in 2015. We did a lot of travel in 2015 but somehow I managed to actually find the time to blog about most of our travels. As part of my reflections on the end of 2015, I thought it would be fun to stop and take a look at what posts on my blog proved the most popular.

Sometimes it was a post the provided insight into what it’s like to travel with small children, sometimes it was a travel hack that I’ve worked out after booking many a hotel night and sometimes it was just weird observations about life on the road. When I’m writing blog posts, I never really know how a topic is going to be received. When it comes to what makes a blog post popular, your guess is as good as mine.


Of the posts I wrote in 2015, these are the 10 most popular:




The Best Hotels in Las Vegas for Families

#10 – Kid Friendly Hotels in Las Vegas

We love Las Vegas! We spent about four weeks in Vegas in 2015, in one week blocks. We love the restaurants, the hotels are affordable and there are tonne of activities for kids. When we visit Las Vegas, we try to test out different hotels each time. We’ve stayed in so many of them! Finding the most kid friendly hotels in Las Vegas can really make a trip to Las Vegas family friendly so I put together a list of the hotels I consider the best for families in each price range.



Travelling in Europe with Kids

#9 – 10 Tough Things About Travelling in Europe with Kids (And How to Make It Easier)

I was so surprised at how tough travelling in Europe was with kids. Travelling in Europe with two kids under 5 was probably harder than travelling anywhere else we’ve been. There were just so many challenges on a daily basis. I wrote this post on what we struggled with in Europe and, because I’m a positive person, added in some tips on how to make it easier.



Travelling with My Kids Changed Me-

#8 – Travelling with My Kids Changed Me: 11 Moms & Dads Share How

After reflecting on how travel with kids has changed me, I asked 10 of my favourite family travel bloggers to share their thoughts on how travelling with their kids changed them. The results ended up being a great post with reflections on personal growth, travelling as a parent and how travel can help families grow together.



One Week Road Trip Itinerary (1)

#7 – One Week Road Trip Itinerary for Exploring Utah’s National Parks

We fell in love with Utah this year. Whenever anyone asks what our favourite state is, the answer is always Utah! Utah really hit the jackpot when it comes to nature. There are more National Parks here than in any other state plus a tonne of great state parks. In this massive post I shared a detailed one-week itinerary for exploring Utah’s National Parks, a trip we did ourselves back in February.



Why You Should Start Using Google Flights to Plan Your Travels

#6 – Why You Should Start Using Google Flights to Plan Your Travels

My post on using Google Flights was surprisingly popular. I had previously relied upon Skyscanner and ITA Matrix for finding the best prices on flights but now I also start with Google Flights. Despite mostly travelling by car, we actually took a few flights in 2015. We flew Toronto to Paris return, Paris to Barcelona and Barcelona to Nice. I also flew from Ottawa to Milwaukee for BlogHouse for a few days alone.



10 Weird Things About Travelling in America

#5 – 10 Weird Things About Travelling in America

I wrote this post one night just to get a few things off my brain about the weirdness that is America. I had no idea it would end up being one of my most popular blog post of 2015! Read the post and let me know if you agree with the oddities I’ve observed in the USA.



40 Tips for Travelling in Europe with Your Kids

#4 – 40 Tips for Travelling in Europe with Kids

I’ve mentioned above that our travels in Europe with kids didn’t go as well as expected. We actually learnt a lot from our rather disastrous trip around the continent. I put together this post of tips for travelling in Europe with kids to help other parents smooth their journey.



Long-Term Travel with Kids: How Do We Do It?

#3 – Long Term Travel with Kids: How Do We Do It

This is probably my favourite post of 2015! I wrote a long, detailed post about how we manage to travel long-term with our kids. Turns out, you guys are really nosey! People really responded to the detail of this post and I think it helped them understand how full time travel with kids works. Our lifestyle seems overwhelming if you don’t know the details. We spend about as much time travelling as we do being still in one place. We work as we go. We try our best to give our kids everything they need in terms of schooling, relationships, activities while we travel. I know our lifestyle isn’t for everyone but we love it!



5 Amazing US Road Trip Itineraries for Your Bucket List

#2 – 5 Amazing US Road Trip Itineraries for Your Bucket List

After 18 month criss-crossing the US by car, I feel qualified enough to call myself a US road trip expert! When planning our road trip, I broke our journey down into smaller road trips. It’s more manageable to think of them and plan them this way. Based on the travels we have done across the US, I put together this post on 5 amazing US road trip itineraries that any traveller can replicate.




#1 – The $20 Dollar Trick: How to Score Amazing Hotel Upgrades in Las Vegas

I’m shocked that this is my most popular post of the year! Pinners are wild about this post. I wrote about our experience trying out the $20 dollar trick in Las Vegas and shared pictures of the amazing hotel suite we ended up with. We’ve tried this trick out at a number of hotels in Las Vegas now. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s definitely worth a shot though!



Are you surprised at what my most popular posts of 2015 were? I am!

You just never know what is going to click with people. Sometimes it’s a matter of filling a gap in the information that exits on the internet. Other times it’s a post that your audience just wants to hear about. Or it could be something completely random that comes out of a thought you have on night.

What was the best blog post you read this year? I’d love to read it. If you’re a blogger, what was your most popular post of 2015?

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  • Sally@Toddlers on Tour

    Thanks for the tip about Google Flights – I hadn’t heard of it so will be giving it a go next holiday.
    As for my most popular (not that I have doubled checked the Google Analytics) but I think it is “How to wash clothes when travelling”. Who would have thought so many people are concerned about chores on their holidays.

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