Want to Travel More with Your Kids?
You’ve come to the right place! I’m passionate about travel and even more so about travelling with my children. What do you want to know about travel with kids? How to travel with little kids, thoughts & discussions on family travel or specific things to do with kids in a location? You’ll find all the information here!
The Art of Family Travel
I’m a huge advocate of the art of family travel, proving that it can be fun, easy and rewarding. These posts cover everything you need to know about travelling as a family – why you should travel with kids, how to travel with them and the benefits of travelling as a family.
The Art of Family TravelVIEW ALL
Best Toddler Travel Bed (2019) – Top Picks from Family Travel Expert!
Once your toddler outgrows a portable crib or pack n’ play, what do you do with them when you travel? The answer is, bring along a toddler travel bed. Portable toddler beds are great for travel and I’ve put together a list of the best toddler travel bed options on the market! Bringing your own […]
Best Pack and Play 2019: Find the Best Pack n Play for Your Baby!
If you’re traveling with babies or toddlers then you’ll need to pick the best pack and play to bring along with you. Don’t worry! We’ll help you decide. We’ve laid out all the options for best pack and play for travel, for using during sleep overs at Grandma’s house or just for taking naps outside or […]
Tips for Flying with a Toddler
Flying with toddlers is terrifying for some parents. Travel can be stressful and exhausting when you’re on your own but throwing a child into the mix can multiply those factors five fold. Here are some easy tips for flying with a toddler in tow to make it less difficult. We’ve been on at least 50 flights with our […]
Europe with Kids: 40 Tips for an Amazing Trip!
Eight countries in five weeks! Our family trip to Europe in Spring 2015 was a whirlwind. Fast paced, eye-opening, stressful at times but amazingly worthwhile. Exploring Europe with kids is a must. There is so much to see and do in Europe and it’s all relatively close together. But if you’re planning a European family vacation, be […]
Long Haul Flight Essentials: 20 Best Travel Accessories for Long Flights
Being on a plane for 12 hours can be draining to say the least and that’s why I put so much effort into choosing the best travel accessories for long flights. My list of long haul flight essentials will see you through an international flight keeping you comfy, fresh and relaxed throughout. If you’re wondering […]
How to Pack for a Family with Just One Suitcase!
Want to know how we travel the world with our kids and use just one suitcase? Let me show you how! Learning to travel with just the one suitcase makes family travel a breeze. We have traveled across the US, Canada, Europe, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand with only one checked suitcase between […]
Family Villa Holidays Are A Fantastic Idea! Here’s Why…
If you’re travelling with kids or extended family, you know that finding accommodation can be the trickiest part of planning your trip. You need to find something everyone is happy with, has enough space to accommodation your group, multiple bedrooms and of course a great price. The best way to do this? Start searching for […]
Best Travel Gifts for Kids, Moms & Dads
Choosing gifts for travellers can be tough! My gift guide for families who love travel will help you select the perfect present for your travelling loved ones or yourself!
Best Baby Travel Gear: 10 Things You Can’t Leave Home Without!
Travelling with a baby doesn't have to be hard! Deciding what things to bring can really help make you travels with a baby a lot easier. Here are 10 things you can't leave home without!
A Beginner’s Guide to Travel with Kids
New to travelling with kids? Nervous, overwhelmed or just don’t know where to start? I’ve put together a beginner’s guide to travel with kids just for you! In this post you’ll find all the tips and advice you need to start travelling with your kids. 1. Travel with kids is definitely worth it! There […]
Travelling with My Kids Changed Me: 11 Moms & Dads Share How
For most people, travel is a life-changing experience. Having children along for the ride doesn’t change that. In fact, travelling with children can further enhance the transformative power of travel – not just for you, for your whole family. For many moms and dads, travelling with their kids changes them as a person and changes […]
10 Tough Things About Travelling in Europe with Kids (And How to Make It Easier)
We just spent an amazing five weeks in Europe travelling with our kids. It wasn’t always easy though. There are many challenges to travelling in Europe with small children. I’m not a negative person by nature so, while we encountered several difficulties, we have also identified how to make it easier on you and your […]
Can You Fly Business Class with Kids?
Flying in business class or first class is wonderful, addictive and something that every traveller should try at least once in their life. But what about if you’ve got kids? Can you fly business class with kids? Well, yes. Of course you can. It’s as simple as purchasing a ticket for them. The question is […]
Long Term Travel with Kids: How Do We Do It?
Long term travel isn’t for everyone. I get that. Add kids to the mix and it becomes a less desirable option for many people. The goal of my blog isn’t to encourage you to quit your job, pull your kids out of school and travel full time. I’m here to inspire anyone who wants to travel, […]
Why I Want My Kids to Travel
Travel with kids is sometimes a polarising topic. Many people, even those who were avid travellers, believe that travel stops once you have children. This doesn’t have to be the case. There are many reasons why travelling with young children is worth it. And I can think of a million reasons why travelling with kids is […]
Travel with Kids: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
When I meet strangers and tell them we’re travelling the world with our small children they always tell me how brave I am. People assume travelling with kids is hard work, infinitely more so than day-to-day life at home, but I just don’t feel that way. Many people feel that travelling with kids is just […]
Should You Travel with a Stroller?
This is one of the most common questions asked by parents setting out on world travel with small children. There is no definitive answer on this one and, for many, it comes down to personal preference. Only you know your child and every child is different. What works for one family, won’t work for another. […]
Tips for Travelling While Pregnant
Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you need to pause your travels. You can easily travel if you’re having a normal, healthy pregnancy. Whilst pregnant with my first child we went to Japan for a week and while pregnant with #2 we travelled constantly over the course of the first six months throughout Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, […]
What Does Adventure Travel Look Like With a Toddler?
What does adventure travel mean to you? Adventure travel sure is different when you have a toddler in tow. It’s about seeking out challenging destinations that are still interesting but safe. Getting off the grid a little. Finding adventure through food. Having fun wherever it can be found. And, for travel with a boy, finding […]
Keeping Kids Motivated for Travel
Keeping kids motivated for travel, especially on a longer trip, can be a struggle sometimes. The physical act of travel can take it’s toll – bumpy bus rides, jet lag and culture shock can wear everyone in the family down. So much of this depends on the child in question but here are some ways […]
Can You Stay in Hostels with Kids?
Can you stay in hostels with kids? Absolutely. Hostels are no longer the main stay of the grungy backpacker. People from every walk of life stay at hostels. During our stay at Sydney Harbour YHA last week we saw several other families with children from small babies to teenagers, a group of older women, couples without […]
Is Travelling with Young Children Worth It?
We’re about to embark on a long-term round the world trip with our almost three-year old son. This is a very exciting idea to me but… I’m reluctant to divulge much information about it to people in my “real world” because I just don’t think they’d get it. You know the people – your hairdresser, […]
Keeping Kids Connected While Travelling
As our family is moving towards full-time nomadic travel, we’re thinking about ways we can keep Reuben connected to his extended family back home. He has a great relationship with his grandparents and aunties that we need to keep up even though we won’t be seeing them every weekend. Luckily, as one set of his grandparents already […]
Lessons from the Road of Life
Since we’ve been a family Lee, Reuben and I have visited six countries together. From each of them we learnt a little about ourselves, our family and how we want to live. Picking up a way of being from the culture, being inspired by a community we were visiting or learning the limit to which […]
What Does Christmas Look Like For the Travelling Family?
Despite my travels, I almost always have Christmas at home with my family. I’ve had the odd Christmas abroad – in England, Egypt and Thailand but none were much of a celebration. To me Christmas definitely only feels like Christmas when it’s celebrated at home with my Mum and sisters. What does Christmas look like […]
The Advantages of Family Travel
Oh how I long for the days of single, child-free travel!! Lying on a beach, baking in the sun. Jumping on the back of a motorcycle taxi and quickly zipping around a crowded city. Leisurely wandering the streets at night, tasting every morsel of street food and drinking cheap rocket fuel cocktails with other backpackers. As […]
Travelling with Little Kids
Travel with toddlers and babies needn’t be terrifying. Travelling with your children is extremely rewarding and adds a new dimension to your overseas experiences. It’s feels marvellous to see the world open up through the eyes of your child. Travel with your baby and toddler – watch them explore, grow and learn new skills beyond the normal daily life of a preschooler. In my series of Travel Tips for Babies & Toddlers I’ll let you in on all the secrets we know that make travelling with a baby or toddler easy and enjoyable.
Tips for Travelling with Little KidsVIEW ALL
Tips for Flying with a Toddler
Flying with toddlers is terrifying for some parents. Travel can be stressful and exhausting when you’re on your own but throwing a child into the mix can multiply those factors five fold. Here are some easy tips for flying with a toddler in tow to make it less difficult. We’ve been on at least 50 flights with our […]
Ten Tips to Avoid Drugging Your Child on a Flight
There’s an article on the Daily Mail website which is making waves across the internet. In it the author, a mother, advocates using anti-histamines like Phengran & Benadryl to drug kids for flights for their own benefit and for the benefit of the passengers around them. I wholeheartedly disagree that the only way for a […]
Ten Tips for Tackling Jet Lag in Babies & Children
We’ve all felt it after a long flight across time zones, jet lag hurts and can take days to shake. What does jet lag mean? Jet lag is more than just being tired after a flight. It affects your whole body. Aside from sleepiness, some of the symptoms of jet lag can be include an […]
Toddler Travel Tips: Vacation Apartment Rentals
Apartment Rental for Families on the Move Increasingly more and more popular with travellers, especially those who are on the road long term, renting an apartment is a great alternative to a hotel. Access to a kitchen for making breakfast and easy meals are a lifesaver when you can’t face dinner in a restaurant at […]
Toddler Travel Tips: Finding Family Accommodation – Hotels
Good accommodation can make or break a trip. I have three priorities when looking for accommodation on the road – a central location, a spacious room and good amenities. My essential amenities include a fridge so Reuben can have milk at night and yoghurt for breakfast and a swimming pool if we’re in a hot country. […]
Toddler Travel Tips: Dealing with Culture Shock in Toddlers
What is culture shock? Culture shock is… …a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation. Culture shock is a very real phenomena that can smack you in the face the minute you get off the plane and find […]
Toddler Travel Tips: Child Care On the Road
Travelling with kids can be hard work. A vacation with kids can be anything but a vacation for Mom and Dad, often requiring more work than you’d have to put in during your daily life at home. All of my Toddler Travel Tips are designed to make travel with kids easier but what happens when […]
Toddler Travel Tips: How to Plan a Toddler Friendly Itinerary (Part Three)
Travelling with a toddler is different to travelling solo or even to travelling with a baby or an older child. No matter your experience level, you will find it more of a challenge. Your itinerary can make or break your journey. I’ve done all the hard work. I’ve made the mistakes. Through trial and error, patience and […]
Toddler Travel Tips: How to Plan a Toddler-Friendly Itinerary (Part Two)
Travelling with a toddler is different to travelling solo or even to travelling with a baby or an older child. No matter your experience level, you will find it more of a challenge. Your itinerary can make or break your journey. I’ve done all the hard work. I’ve made the mistakes. Through trial and error, patience and […]
Toddler Travel Tips: How to Plan a Toddler-Friendly Itinerary (Part One)
Travelling with a toddler is different to travelling solo or even to travelling with a baby or an older child. No matter your experience level, you will find it more of a challenge. Your itinerary can make or break your journey. I’ve done all the hard work. I’ve made the mistakes. Through trial and error, patience and […]
Toddler Travel Tips – Entertaining Kids On The Road
Keeping kids entertained on the road is all about keeping them sane. Just because you’re travelling doesn’t mean their interests will change wildly. They’re still going to want to do what toddlers always want to do – read, play, create art and run at every opportunity. My number one motto for keeping a toddler amused […]
Ultimate Toddler Packing List – Tips from Family Travel Expert!
Packing for a family trip has been somewhat trial and error for me. It’s easy to pack for yourself when you’re single – it doesn’t matter too much what you take and you can pick items up on the road. Packing for a child is a little different. You have to anticipate and plan for […]

Things to Do with Kids in…
Looking for something to do with your kids in Las Vegas, Bangkok or Sydney? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a good place to start:
Things to Do in San Francisco with Kids
Eight Fun Things to Do in Sydney with Kids
Top Ten Things To Do In Bangkok With Kids
Things to Do in Kuala Lumpur with Kids
Top Ten Free Things to Do in Las Vegas With Kids
Top Ten Things to Do in Las Vegas with Kids
10 More Fun Things to Do in Las Vegas with Kids
Five Things You Should Do in Maui (And One You Really Shouldn’t!!!)